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Excellence, n. Surpassing merit
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E9 User Pages - Terms of Use

E9 Limited provide many of their customers with access to pages on the E9 website which contain information and functionality which is useful to them.

Access to these User Pages is strictly controlled by a Username and Password which E9 Limited will provide to customers and associates as they deem appropriate.

The Username and Password are provided for the recipients use only
They must not be passed on to any other party
Recipients should take all reasonable steps to ensure the security of the Username and Password given to them.

All information contained in the User Pages is strictly confidential and not for circulation to any other party unless expressly stated.

All attached files originated by E9 Limited are covered by copyright assigned to E9 Limited with all rights reserved unless otherwise stated.

 © Copyright E9 Limited 2002 - 2019  
Telephone +44 7734 761360 
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