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Pilot project to help metal finishing industry
February 3rd, 2003

NAMTEC LogoThe National Metals Technology Centre (NAMTEC) and E9 Limited are collaborating on a pilot project to help metal finishing companies meet the growing demands of environmental legislation.

Six companies from the sector are being identified by E9 and NAMTEC to benefit from assistance and to form a cluster. The project is a pilot where the points learned are planned to be applied more widely in this and other sectors. Each company will undertake an individual project and collaborate and share best practice, for example the implementation of ISO14001, the development of a safety management system, developing better technology or working towards IPPC (Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control).

The cluster will meet regularly to share experiences, and take part in site visits and discussions forums. Consultancy expertise will be provided to those companies who need it.

It is hoped the scheme will be extended if the one-year pilot is successful.

Richard Ball, NAMTEC chief executive said: “The development of this experience and knowledge is essential if the UK metals industry is to remain competitive. I look forward to seeing the benefits this project will bring to the metal finishing sector.”

NAMTEC is a not for profit organisation established to increase the competitiveness of the UK metals industry. Services include a technical helpline, signposting to the science base and project management. NAMTEC is financed by the Department of Trade and Industry, Yorkshire Forward and the European Union’s Objective One Programme.

John Trainor, managing director of E9 Ltd said: “Times are tough for UK manufacturing however, innovation and change applied to working practices and business norms give companies a significant competitive advantage. Our experience of working with cluster networks shows that companies experience mutual advantages through shared practices including lower implementation costs and increased speed in achieving planned objectives and targets.”

The project will assist both SME (Small Medium-sized Enterprises) and larger companies across the UK. Some companies are expected to be selected from the South Yorkshire area.

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